Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ok I have been challenged to post a gratitude each day in November. I'm behind but it shouldn't be too hard to think of 5 things I'm greatful for.
#1 I'm grateful for a daughter that is so creative and challenges me to keep up with her.
#2 I'm grateful for the technology of computers and the internet and blogs. What a great way to keep in touch long distance.
#3 I'm greatful for the family I have been blessed with.
#4 This would have fallen on Election day if I had been up on things. If you've read my other post you should know that I am greatful Barak Obama will be our new President.
#5 Had a wonderful drive home from work thanks to my Blue tooth car assessory. Because of the time change, Laura and I are now stuck in traffic at same time and we can keep each other company. It was great!

1 comment:

Laura said...

thanks for playing. I just have to watch my phone bill cause we aren't on the same plan. Thanks for the chat LOVE YOU